the order in which they are arranged is based on the order in which you'll need to raise the appropriate skill to get the appropriate perk. Note: These stats are based on the corresponding skill starting at 20, these numbers may vary depending on which skills you choose to tag during character creation.
Note: Do not take the Four Eyes trait because even with glasses on your base perception is going to be 1 below your actual Perception, ( If you choose a perception of 6 and the four eyes trait it will be 5 even with glasses.) even with the glasses on you won't have the required perception to get certain perks, Sniper, Better critical unless you buy the perception implant. As a personal preference I always take the Animal friend perkX2 because I like it when the Animals come to my aid and then just stand there after the fight while I kill them for extra experience points. If you make a female character you could take the Black Widow perk at level 2 thus pushing all the other perks down one and you would also have to sacrifice one of the perks along the way to make room for it I suggest sacrificing the Animal friend perk. 28.Better Criticals- Perception-6, Luck-6